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Welcome to the Sergeant's Boxers website!
Thank you for stopping by! We are Cassie and Luke!
First off, Boxers are the absolute best family members imaginable. Luke and I gained our first boxer family member in 2016. From the very beginning, we were hooked! Boxers are like chips, you can’t just have one! Sergeant quickly became a major part of our family, hence the name of Sergeant’s Boxers. We then gained our newest addition, Diva (and boy does her name fit her well!). We were overjoyed with our family fur-members and wanted to provide joy to other families. That is when we decided we wanted to breed Boxers and bring love and happiness to other families, just as our Boxers brought love and happiness into ours. Our family continued to grow, as did our happiness and joy! We now have 8 boxers and one spayed boxer mix. All are our fur-kids come first and foremost!
Diva and Sergeant had their first litter in 2018. Since then, we have learned so much about the breed and about producing healthy puppies. Our Boxers are health tested for ARVC and DM and bred to produce the healthiest puppies we possibly can. A lot of thought and research goes into each and every breeding.
In the early part of 2019, we started showing. This was such a new experience for us, but we enjoyed it so very much! Bailey was our first girl to show and she had a blast! Her face would light up when trotting around the ring. She obtained her International and National Champion Title that weekend and we were so very proud of her!
We then dabbled a bit in Dog Dash through International Canine Events (ICE), which is a 100 yard dash that is timed and converted into MPH, which is then converted into points. Remington and Diva were a little hesitant at first, but ended up doing very well by the end of the weekend. By the 4th run, they were so excited to get out there and perform! They ran their hearts out and smiled while doing so. It also helped that daddy was there the second day and waiting at the finish line for them :)
Captain and Benelli went to their first show in June of 2019. Benelli was just 3 months old and competed in the baby class. She did so very well! She gained great ratings that first day and caught the eyes of everyone there! She was known as “that cute baby”! Captain also did very well! He strutted around the ring and smiled the entire time! It was not hard to see that this was something he enjoyed so very much! We couldn't wait to get them back out there for the next show!
In September of 2019, we went to 2 shows! The first show was a UKC show. Captain and Bailey competed and had a blast. Captain obtained his UKC Champion. Bailey obtained all of the points needed and is now only waiting for her competition wins. We cant wait to call her a UKC Champion too!
The other show in September was IABCA. Captain gained his National, International and Honors Ch. titles. Benelli and Dawn both gained their National, International and Honors Baby Champion titles. At only 3 months old, Dawn made it to Best of Show during this show! It is the best feeling in the world to see the smiles on their faces and their eyes lighting up! They all had a blast!
Welcome 2020!! Dawn, Benelli, and Captain started the year off right by attending the 2020 Alvarado LoneStar State Winter Grand Prix on Jan 25-26! Dawn and Benelli obtained their National Jr, International Jr, and International Bronze Jr Champion Titles. Captain obtained his Honors Bronze Champion Title. Dawn earned 1X Best in Show BBX Puppy and 3X Reserve Best in Show BBX puppy.
Benelli and Dawn attended a UKC show Feb. 2nd and 3rd in Longview, TX. Both girls did well. They both won first in each of their classes and Dawn won Reserve Best of Breed in all four shows.
They girls, Benelli and Dawn, attended the UKC show in Addison, Tx the weekend of March 7th and 8th with Angie Sanchez of Sanchez AKC Boxers. We were unable to attend due to puppies being at home, but didnt want the girls to miss out on a great weekend of showing! Dawn got first in class for all three shows. Benelli got first in class all three shows. Benelli also got Reserve Best Female in two show and Best female in one show. For being at a show without mama and dad, the girls did so good! Im so proud of them and a special thanks to Angie for talking the girls!
They will be competing in several more UKC shows in the next few months to achieve their UKC Champion Titles. We look forward to the upcoming shows and we are so very excited!!
July 29th, 2020: Benelli and Dawn both attended the UKC Show in Grove, Oklahoma! Dawn obtained all of the competition wins and points needed to obtain her UKC Champion Title! Benelli gained another competition win and many points to add towards obtaining her UKC Champion Title! I have no doubt she will obtain the rest of the needed points and competition win needed to obtain her title soon! The girls did great, even with the judges all wearing masks! We can not wait until the next show!!
Sept 5th and 6th, Selma show: We took Dawn, Benelli, Captain, Bailey and even Sergeant! This was Sergeant's first show and he surprised us all!! We had a blast! Results will be posted in each of their files.
October 9th, 2020: We attended the Twister City Kennel Club UKC show in Hutchinson, Kansas. Sergeant, Harley, Captain and Dawn participated and did very well!
October 31st, Harley, Captain and Sergeant attended the UKC show in Paris, Tx with Texas K9 Association. Harley and Sergeant both obtained their UKC Ch. titles and Captain gained more legs towards his Grand Champion title! Captain even made it to the Best of Show on Sunday!
2021: Hello to a new year with new adventures!!
April: Dawn, Remi and Harley got to try out a new sport: FAST CAT! Dawn and Remi did absolutely wonderful! Harley struggled a bit. She wanted to catch the line instead of the lure! Anyways, they all had a great time and we will certainly be back for more!
May 1&2: Norman Oklahoma UKC show. Harley and Captain got to attend the Norman show! Harley won Reserve Ch x3 shows. Captain and our friend (Junior handler) Alicia Hood won x1 best Junior class! They both did great! Can't wait until the next show!
May 2021, Canton UKC show: Stormy made her debut! Remi also came out to the show for her very first time! Dawn and Harley also attended and both did well. Captain, of course, tagged along too! Results will be posted once they are posted on UKC site, as I completely forgot to write down results while at the show!
Also in April and May, Dawn and Remi earned their BCAT, which is the title for AKC Fast Cat! Such an exciting sport. Watching them be so excited to chase the lure is absolutely fun times!!
June 2021, the UKC Premier in Michigan was a WONDERFUL show! We traveled all of the way there to be a part of this amazing show! We earned a total of 9 titles in both Dock Jumping and Precision Coursing! Harley showed in a couple of shows there, but did not place (she was too busy worrying about diving) and Captain got to strut around in the TOP 10 Boxer ring! It was as BLAST! Harley earned her RACEN and RACEA titles, as well as her UNJ and UJJ titles (Precision Coursing and Dock Jumping). Dawn earned her RACEN and RACEA titles. Benelli earned her RACEA and RACEN titles, as well as her UNJ titles! Huge Congratulations to these girls!!
Several upcoming shows! Information to come!
Litters expected around August
*The wait list is ongoing. This means that for every litter, Sergeants Boxers will go down the list and offer puppies to the families in order of deposits received. The family may choose a puppy from the current litter or may pass to wait for a later litter. Even if the family initially expressed the desire for a puppy from a future litter early in the conversation, they will still be asked if they would like to select a puppy when the current litter selections start. Selections start at each litter's 6 weeks of age mark. This allows the families to not only pick from color, but also from personality.
*Beside each family name is the initial desired color/sex of the family's future puppy. Please know that these can change at any time and are only listed for reference.
*We reserve the right to make changes to this list at any time.
*** Lastly, Sergeant's Boxers will have first choice selection for ANY litter produced from Sergeants Boxers. This is non-negotiable.
Future Litter: