RACEA UNJ UKC Ch. Int Jr. Ch. Sergeant's Benelli DJ
Call Name: Benelli
DOB: March 31st, 2019
Color: Classic Brindle
Sire: Franco Box Von Sanchez
Dam: Bailey Ann Cunningham
DM: Clear
ARVC: Clear
Benelli is our offspring out of Bailey. She is so full of life, love, and energy! She reminds us so much of her mother! She just LOVES to give lots and lots of kisses. She is also quite the looker, too. Everyone she meets falls in love with her personality and beauty! This girl will go far! She went to her first show at 3 months old and obtained her International Baby Champion Title. Everyone there just loved adored her. She showed her little heart out and did the everything asked of her... with a little convincing and some treats! For being only 3 months old, I couldn't be more happy with her performance.
In Sept. 2019, Benelli obtained her National and Honors BA Ch. with IABCA. We are so very proud of this sweet girl!
In 2020, Benelli has competed in the show ring in both the ICE show in January and the UKC show in February! She did well in both! Benelli is working on her competition wins and obtaining points for her UKC Champion title!
In March, Benelli attended another UKC show, where she gained more points and one of her competition wins needed for her UKC Champion title!
July 29th, 2020- Benelli attended the Grove Oklahoma UKC show where she gained another competition win and more of her needed points. She only needs one competition win and a handful of points! We hope to obtain these at the next show! Benelli did outstanding at this last show and we cannot wait to take her back out soon!!
Sept 2020: Benelli won her competition win and gained the points needed for her UKC Ch. title!! Woo Hoo! She is now a UKC Ch!
Health Testing
DM: Negative
ARVC: Clear
IABCA International BA Champion
IABCA National BA Champion
IABCA Honors BA Champion
ICE National JR Champion
ICE International JR Champion
ICE International JR Bronze Champion
UKC Champion
RACEN & RACEA (UKC Precision Coursing)
UNJ (Dock Jumping- UKC)
DJ (Dock Diving Title)
Future Litters
Benelli has quite a while before she will be due to have a litter

Show Results
2019 Lone Star Summer Seiger Conroe, Tx June 22-23, 2019
Show 1: SG-1, 1st, BOB, BOB BBX, Group 3 BBX(Juliann Bitter)
Show 2: SG-1, 1st, BOB, BOB BBX, Group 3 BBX (Patricia Aida Mendoza)
Express: SG-1 (Ronny Junkins)
2019 LoneStar Autumn Sieger Sept 14-15 Austin, Tx
Show 1: SG-1, 2nd in class
Show 2: SG-1, 2nd in class
2020 Alvarado LoneStar State Winter Grand Prix, Jan 25th and 26th. ICE Dog Shows
Show 1: Judge Ken Hapgood- SG1, 1st, BOB, Group 1
Show 2: Judge Karen Hapgood- SG2
Show 3: Judge Mary Napper- SG1, 1st, BOB, Group 1...
Show 4: Judge Nelson Huber- SG1
Petite Show 1: Judge Sonia Yearwood- SG1
Petite Show 2: Judge Sandra London- SG 1
UKC Show Feb. 2 &3, 2020
United Dog Owner’s Group, Inc.
Longview, Tx.
Show 1- 1st in class, (Judge Teresa Kocher)
Show 2- 1st in class, (Judge Karyn Colman)
Show 3- 1st in class, (Judge Rick Gann)
Show 4- 1st in class, (Judge Melissa Kidd)
UKC Show March 7 & 8, 2020
North East Texas American Eskimo Dog Association
Addison, Tx.
Show 1- 1st in class, Reserve Best Female (Judge Ronny Junkins)
Show 2- 1st in class, Best Female (Judge Alan Krenek)
Show 3- 1st in class, Reserve Best Female (Judge Kevin Izard-Carroll)
UKC Show July 24-26th
Twister City Kennel Club
Grove, Oklahoma.
Show 1: 1st in class, Reserve Best Female (Ronny Junkins)
Show 2: 1st in class, Best Female (Richard Klatt)
Show 3: 1st in class, Reserve Best Female (Gary Richards)
Show 4: 1st in class, Reserve Best Female (Tina Camp)
Show 5: 1st in class, Reserve Best female (William Chrzanowski)
Show 6: 1st in class, Reserve Best Female (Stan Matsumoto)
Southeast Texas American Eskimo Dog Club
Selma, Tx
Sept 5th and 6th, 2020
Show 1 (Tracey Kallas)- 1st in class, Best Female, Best of Winners
*obtained her competition win for her Champion title.
Other Titles/Results
Premier Nationals
Kalamazoo, Michigan
June 16-20
*Precision Coursing- X3 runs in Novice Division, X3 runs in Advanced (earned RACEN and RACEA titles)
*X5 Jumps in Dock Jumping Novice Division (earned UNJ titles)
NADD- Splash Paws Independence Day Splash
Spring, Texas
July 3-5, 2021
Splash 1- 9'3 feet
Splash 2- 10'9 feet
Splash 3- 12'3
Splash 4- 11'6
Splash 5- 14'6
Splash 6- 14'3
Splash 7- 15'9
Splash 8- 13'9
Splash 9- 15'6
Splash 10- 17
Splash 11- 15'6
* Earned DJ Title